IBD Sitemap
IBD consists of a Home Page which has all the counties of the UK and Ireland, and three levels below this:
1) The County Page
2) The Town Page, listing towns within that County
3) Businesses within that town
For example, click on Cheshire to see what towns are listed, then click on, say, Congleton to see what businesses are listed in the Congleton area. If your Town is not listed, it can be created for you. Try the links below:
The County links and town links work exactly the same for England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland - including Northern Ireland.
Each Town Page has a link back to its County.
Each County page links back to the IBD Home Page.
Each County Page has or will have (where possible) the relevant Coat of Arms. Run your mouse over the Coat of Arms for a description. This is made possible thanks to a fantastic heraldry website Coats of Arms from Countries around the World You can also find a link and acknowledgement on Links Page 1.
The Home Page also has several Links Pages which contain some interesting links to other sites. These are quality sites relevant to an Internet business directory, or contain information useful to a wide variety of people - it is well worth taking a look!
Whilst IBD has no reason to believe the content of these web sites is innaccurate, IBD cannot be held responsible for any problems arising from utilising information contained within these web sites.
©2003 - IBD Internet Business Directory