Alcamay Group Specialist Safety Netting Division, specialise in the supply, installation and hire of all forms of safety netting. Safety nets can be used to prevent falls in which people suffer serious, and sometimes fatal injury, and to protect from falling objects, on construction sites, during work on overhead lines, or when building houses etc. The nets are suspended horizontally, providing an effective means of accident prevention. Installation is quick, easy and far more cost effective than bird cage scaffolding. Our riggers ensure that nets are rigged, moved and struck correctly in compliance with the relavent standards. Safety nets come in five standard sizes which cover most applications, but can be custom made to almost any shape or size. Our nets are made from high-strength multi filament polypropylene (PPM ), are reinforced around the edges, and have integral border cord. For more information and expert friendly advice, call Mark Hambleton on the telephone numbers below. | |||||
Alcamay Group Specialist Safety Netting Division Melville Road Queens Avenue Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 2BN 01625 - 428 800 Mobile: 07764-779 280 | |||||
Specialist | Safety | Netting | Riggers | Knotless | House |
Hazard | Protection | Nets | Quickfix | Straps | Hook |
Health | Fall | Prevention | Falls | Commercial | Industrial |
Buildings | H.S.E. | Risk | Assessment | Compliant | Compliance |
Scaffolding | Building Site | Roofing | Accident | Housing | Development |
Developments | Risks | Management | Working | Height | Death |
Macclesfield | Cheshire | Staffordshire | Congleton | Stockport | Manchester |
Elevated | Platform | Personal | Injury | Bird Cage | PPM |