Corporate Physiotherapy Provider Onsite Workplace Injury Prevention Training Stress Management Direct Intervention Ergonomic Awareness UK
National Onsite Corporate Physiotherapy Practice & Injury Prevention Training
Corporate Physiotherapy Services Provider Nationwide to England Scotland and Wales
Combined Therapy Centres (CTC) are a progressive physiotherapy provider specialising in four distinct areas of the profession; Core physiotherapy, Corporate physiotherapy, Specialist services and Complementary therapies. This combined treatment philosophy encourages a truly patient centred approach giving access to multiple interlinked care pathways.
The Directors of CTC have a combined 50 years of experience gained within professional sport, the NHS and the private sector. All CTC's physiotherapists are chartered and registered with the health professions council and as such must continually update and develop their skills base.
A innovate development of the company is the provision of national corporate physiotherapy services. Our experienced team of physiotherapists can help companies reduce the cost of musculoskeletal, work related health problems where involvement is most effective during process design and implementation.
The cost of work related ill-health and injury
Figures produced by the Health and Safety Executive show in 2008/2009 that 24.6 million days were lost due to work related ill health (9 million due to musculoskeletal disorders, 11.4 million due to work related stress, anxiety and depression.) In addition to the obvious costs of sick pay, temporary cover, recruitment, potential legal fees and compensation, there is also the cost of low productivity, increased errors, loss of morale and the possibility of increased insurance premiums. The total cost to employers in Britain of workplace injuries and work related ill health is estimated at approximately £2.9 billion to £3.2 billion.
CTC are Members of the Health Professional Council - Recognised by all Major Insurance Companies
At CTC our experienced team of physiotherapists can help companies reduce the cost of musculoskeletal, work related health problems in the workplace by working in three areas as shown below.
Direct Physiotherapy Intervention - Onsite Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy involvement onsite allows for rapid access to assessment and treatment and reduces time off work through injury or to attend hospital appointments. It also allows for ergonomic and workplace assessments to be carried out to reduce further problems and help improve communication with all parties involved.
Back to Work Physiotherapy Programmes
If an employee has been off work for a length of time, CTC can offer a bespoke physiotherapy programme specifically designed to aid the return of the employee to work safely. This will involve assessment of the work tasks and the design of an exercise based regime to allow safe return to the work environment.
Other benefits of Direct Physiotherapy Intervention include:
- Preventing accidents and musculoskeletal problems from occurring in the first place by working with organisations to achieve an ergonomically working environment.
- Education of departmental manager, team leaders and associates emphasising short-term and long-term solutions to poor working practices.
- General lifestyle advice on personal fitness maintenance and dietary issues. Please be aware that employees who keep fit by fitness pursuits such as running and football may need to access early physiotherapy in the case of acute injury. This is almost as crucial as the treatment of workplace injury.
Ergonomic Awareness in the Workplace
Ergonomics is a science concerned with the 'fit' between people and their work, ensuring the tasks, information and environment suit each worker and takes into account their capabilities and limitations. By assessing ergonomic factors and the interaction between them, a safe, effective and productive work system can be achieved. To ensure an appropriate 'fit' is made between the person and their work, environmental, physical and psychological aspects need to be considered.
Benefits of Ergonomics for Your Business
Ergonomics is not just about making your employees feel comfortable and happy. Ergonomics is also about helping your employees to work more efficiently and therefore be more productive.
An ergonomically designed workplace can save you money by reducing work related illnesses and reducing work related accidents. Moreover, an ergonomically designed workplace can also lead to increased efficiency and increased productivity.
Please use the link below to the ergonomic awareness page of our main website for a more detailed explanation of how the Science of Ergonomics can benefit YOUR business.
Workplace Injury Prevention Training
CTC training services include manual handling and bespoke projects to raise staff awareness of hazards in their work place. This training can be delivered to new starters and long standing employees alike. CTC's aim is to use seminar groups to give management associates ownership of ergonomic issues and thus helping to reduce the costs of injury in the work place. CTC's physiotherapists are highly regarded and provide an environment of trust to promote truly interactive and open discussion.
CTC Combined Therapy Centres provide the following half day courses in England, Scotland and both North and South Wales:
- Manual Handling
- Workplace Assessment
- Work Station Assessment
- Functional Assessment
Corporate Physiotherapy Provider Onsite Workplace Injury Prevention Training Stress Management Direct Intervention Ergonomic Awareness England UK

7 Mallard Court
Mallard Way
Crewe Business Park
Tel: 01270 - 588 244
Corporate | Physiotherapy | Onsite | Workplace | Injury | Prevention |
Training | Cheshire UK | England | North Wales | South Wales | Scotland |
Stress | Management | Health & Safety | Workplace | Wellbeing | Programmes |
Back to Work | Programs | Work | Station | Process | Modification |
Ergonomic | Awareness | Manual | Handling | Lifting | Training |
Government | Funding | Sourcing | Applications | On Site | Offsite |
Best | Working | Practice | Guidelines | Management | Support |
Enhanced | Workforce | Health | Fitness | Effectiveness | Efficiency |