Wikaniko (as in "We Can Eco") - Eco friendly Home Business Opportunity UK

Reduce your carbon footstep - One step at a time!

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Have you ever wondered about going "greener", but didn't exactly know how to go about it? Do you tend to bury your head in the sand when it comes to talking about the plastic bag problems, greenhouse gas effects, or the chemicals in personal care products that might actually be harming you and your children?

So if you would like to make the world a better place, and you would like to discover ways to reduce your monthly spending - often dramatically, try an interesting company that helps you to unravel the mysteries of "greenery" and at the same time gives you brilliant free tips and ideas for reducing spending, wastage, and the effect on the planet. Visit the Wikaniko website for a fantastic resource of products, tips, tricks and free advice and start reducing your carbon footprint today!

If you need anymore convincing watch our video presentation HERE!

We can do it, eco friendly products NVEY Eco range of cosmetics makeup make a part or full time income with Wikaniko cleaning windows the eco way recycle with wikaniko every little helps we can all do our bit we can cook

Wikaniko Home Shopping Catalogues or Order Online

Cosmetics, Toiletries, Cleaning and Gardening Ranges

At the end of the day, it is our responsibility to help protect the world we live in - each and every one of us. Whilst you may think that you alone can't (or won't) make a difference, behind the scenes there is a gentle revolution going on. People all over the country are discovering that going greener not only protects the environment for everyone, they can actually save a huge amount of money on their household and shopping bills too - contrary to the belief that "green" means expensive!

There is a whole range of totally degradable black bags, bin liners, food freezer bags and nappy sacks that do not damage the planet at all. Try out the Eco Clean Ball that allows you to do your washing without the need to buy any more washing detergent - ever. Then, there are gardening, electrical, and water saving products, along with tips and ideas. And there is an excellent range magnotherapy products, at very reasonable prices. Moving on, the cosmetics and toiletries are simply stunning. From award winning NVEY Eco range of cosmetics - so good you can actually eat them - to organic cotton wool, soaps from around the world, natural body deodorants, retro cleaning products, and some superbly priced body care accessories for yourself, or for using as gift ideas. All in all, there are over 850 products, with more being added on a regular basis.

Home Business Opportunity, boast your Income Part Time or Full Time anywhere in the UK

The company goes much further than simply supplying products. There are incentives etc for all their customers, making the shopping experience extremely pleasant. Wikaniko are also looking for other part time distributors to help spread the word, with the advantage being that not only can you buy your own products (that you use every day) at wholesale prices, you can make some extra money by showing others how to reduce the damaging effects on the environment. It is an extremely pleasant and worthwhile way of gaining an extra income in these trying times!

The Distributor opportunity is very simple to understand.

  • It costs £48 Inc VAT.
  • You reduce your outgoings by buying the household products you normally buy, at wholesale instead of retail.
  • You help save the planet along the way.
  • You make an extra income by offering the products to others, to help them become greener
  • You build branches in other areas by introducing people to the opportunity, and you make an override on what they do, by helping them to build a great future for themselves.
  • You enjoy your life, free from financial worries, and at the same time have a true sense of purpose.

However, the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary! So there is effort involved. There is work to do, and there is stuff to learn.

If you want to have a go, though, we'll teach you along the way, using some of the best training ever created. You do the training in the comfort of your own home, and at your pace. Follow the link below for more information, also if you need more convincing take a look at our slide presentation HERE!

Wicyle Auction, WikanKook (We Can Cook), WiKanDoit (We Can do it!)

Wikaniko is more than just products its a green online resource!

Wikaniko is an online resource full of information, articles, tips, tricks, games and more! All in all, we feel that there is no other resource that gives you access to so much. So please feel free to enjoy the myriad of articles and resources at Wikaniko, below are a few highlights!

Recycle Auction - No Joining Fees, Register for FREE!

Wicycle-It was created so that any individual can recycle items totally free of cost, thereby giving everyone a fabulous alternative to high priced auction sites!

Wikankook - We can cook!

One of the major ways that we can all help save the planet, gain better health, reduce waste, etc, is by cooking and eating more wisely. The average family throws away about a third of all the food they buy. In the UK, this amounts to around 80 billion pounds a year being wasted! Here you can find free books, articles to help you plan more wisely!

Wikandoit - We can do it!

Take the Wikandoit Challenge and become greener bit by bit. By the time you have finished the Wikandoit series, you will have personally made enough changes to your ways to help make a massive difference to the environment. Not only that, the savings you make will help stretch your weekly housekeeping further!

Eco Environmentally Friendly Household Cleaning Toiletry and Gardening Products
Home Business Opportunity UK England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland

Wikaniko - www.ecofriendlyhousehold.co.uk
2 Harvey Road
CW12 2BU

Tel: 01260 - 284 548
Mob: 07979 - 806 316

Eco FriendlyHouseholdProductsToiletriesHomeBusiness
CheshireNorth WestOpportunityEnvironmentallyFriendlyRecycle
SavingOrganicProduceBaby WipesCottonWool
CleaningGardeningGreenerDegradablePlastic BagsNatural
SoapsCreamsWaterSavingGadgetsRising Monthly
IncomePart TimeResidualIncomeTeamWork
EnglandScotlandWalesUKIrelandIrish Republic